Ko wai au?
Ko Taranaki te maunga
Ko Patea te awa
Ko Nairnshire te waka
Ko Ingarangi te iwi
Ko Frank Barratt toku tipuna
Ko Peter Faumuina o Ngati Hamoa toku tane
Ko Melita raua ko Aviyah oku tamawahine
Ko Hannah Faumuina toku ingoa
No Whangarei ahau
Being a mum to two gorgeous daughters, Co-Senior Pastor of our local AGNZ church and a registered social worker with community and statutory experience, I understand the complexities and weight of responsibility to ensure our young ones are protected and nurtured so they can fulfil their God-given potential and purpose.
It is my privilege to serve the body of Christ as the Safer Churches Lead for the AGNZ Movement in Aotearoa New Zealand. This role provides strategic guidance, advice and practical training and support so our local churches can be physically, emotionally and spiritually safe places for our tamariki and rangatahi/children and young people.
“Akiaki te ti o te tamariki – Nurture/Protect the potential of the children”
Ps Hannah Faumuina
National Safer Churches Lead
[email protected]
Thanks for visiting the AGNZ website. We hope you found what you were looking for. We would love to meet you, so if you’re up for it why not come to your local AGNZ church and visit us! We pray that God will continue to show His love to you in a real and personal way. God bless!